Conductivity and Resistivity

Conductivity is defined as one of the key parameters per EPRI, IAPWS & Co. for water steam cycles and essential in various other applications as well. That’s why we have a defined range of conductivity monitors, specifically designed for their demands.

Resistivity / Specific Conductivity Monitoring

AMI Rescon

Complete monitoring system for the automatic, continuous measurement of the
specific resistivity / specific conductivity in high purity water.

AMI Rescon

Specific Conductivity (SC) Monitoring

AMI Powercon Specific

Monitor for continuous specific (total) conductivity measurement in feedwater, steam and condensate.

AMI Powercon Specific

AMI Solicon 4

Conductivity monitor in a wide range (0.1 microS/cm to 100 mS/cm) in cooling water, potable water and effluent.

AMI Solicon 4

Cation Conductivity (CACE) Monitoring

AMI Powercon Acid

Monitor for continuous acid (cation) conductivity measurement in feedwater, steam and condensate.

AMI Powercon Acid
AMI CACE with Continuous Resin Regeneration

CACE monitor with electrodeionization module for continuous, automatic resin regeneration.

– no resin exchange
– no maintenance
– no chemicals

AMI Deltacon Power

Conventional CACE monitoring with resin columns and pre-rinse option.

AMI Deltacon Power

Degassed Cation Conductivity (DCACE) Monitoring

AMI Deltacon DG

Triple channel conductivity monitor for specific (total), acid (cation) and degassed conductivity.

AMI Deltacon DG