The specialist for online water and steam monitoring
Demineralized water used in water steam cycles is often conditioned with additional chemicals. Controlled chemical operations are key to ensuring stable metal oxide layers and preventing gradual deterioration of all wetted components.
As an expert with over 25 years of specialization, Swan offers the complete range of online instruments required to monitor and control water quality in cycles and auxiliary systems. In demin water or polisher plants as well as in process condensates and cooling water cycles.
Because we know how important reliable measurements and continuous operation are, we emphasize robust and low-maintenance measuring technology. Safe operation of all related facilities is our top priority.
Being a single-source provider, Swan offers all parameters for your plant.
For a general overview of water steam monitoring, make sure to check out our useful WSC monitoring introduction.

The importance of dependable data in water steam cycles
Analytical instruments are necessary to maintain appropriate levels of purity, pH and oxygen. The most well-intentioned chemical treatment program may be virtually worthless without appropriate instrumentation.
Reliable online monitoring is a prerequisite to control the indivual water steam chemistry of each plant. Because you want to run your facilities economically and in a safe manor at the same time.
Early identified trends within the composition of your chemistry may indicate changes in your water at a stage when corrective measures can be taken. Subsequently, it helps you avoid costly damages before major issues arise.
Power and Steam Monitoring Downloads
An Introduction for Non-Chemists
Analytical Instruments in Water Steam Cycles
A comprehensible collection of all water steam cycle chemistry monitoring basics. Well-suited as quick reference guide.
DOWNLOAD PDFProduct Overview
Water-Steam-Cycle Product Brochure
Our complete product overview, sorted by parameter with all essential information collected in one document.
DOWNLOAD PDFA compilation of information on water steam cycles can be found in the download section.
DOWNLOADSTypical Instrumentation in Power and Steam Applications

Raw Water
Key Parameter
- pH
- UV254 (Organics Trend)
- Turbidity
- Disinfectant
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
Demineralized Water Treatment Plant
Key Parameter
- pH
- Sodium
- Silica
- Total Organic Carbon
- UV254 (Organics Trend)
- Turbidity
- Disinfectant
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
Demineralized Water Outlet
Key Parameter
- Specific Conductivity
- Total Organic Carbon
- Silica
- Sodium
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
Process Water Treatment Plant
Key Parameter
- pH
- Specific Conductivity
- UV254 (Organics Trend)
- Turbidity
- Disinfectant
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
Make-up Water
Key Parameter
- Specific Conductivity
- Silica
- Sodium
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
Key Parameter
- pH
- Conductivity After Cation Exchange
- Sodium
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Specific Conductivity
- Degassed Conductivity After Cation Exchange
- Hydrazine (or CH6N4O Carbohydrazide)
- Turbidity
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
Condensate Polisher Outlet
Key Parameter
- Conductivity After Cation Exchange
- Sodium
- Specific Conductivity
- Silica
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
Key Parameter
- pH Value
- Specific Conductivity
- Conductivity After Cation Exchange
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Dissolved Hydrogen
- Hydrazine (or CH6N4O Carbohydrazide)
- Oxidation/Reduction Potential
- Turbidity
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
Boiler Water
Key Parameter
- pH
- Specific Conductivity
- Conductivity After Cation Exchange
- Sodium
- Silica
- Phosphate
- Turbidity
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
Saturated Steam
Key Parameter
- Conductivity After Cation Exchange
- Sodium
- Dissolved Hydrogen
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
Superheated / Reheated Steam
Key Parameter
- Conductivity After Cation Exchange
- Sodium
- Degassed Conductivity After Cation Exchangen
- Silica
- Dissolved Hydrogen
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
Cooling Water
Key Parameter
- pH Value
- Specific Conductivity
- Disinfectant
- Phosphate
- Turbidity
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
Return Condensate
Key Parameter
- pH Value
- Conductivity After Cation Exchange
- Specific Conductivity
- Degassed Conductivity After Cation Exchange
- Sodium
- Silica
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Turbidity
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
Effluents / Wastewater
Key Parameter
- pH Value
- Specific Conductivity
- Turbidity
- Phosphate
- Dissolved Oxygen
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied
ReUse Water Treatment
Key Parameter
- pH Value
- UV254 Organics Trend
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Turbidity
- Disinfectant
Optional parameters depending on water quality, water treatment process, power plant configuration,
operation mode, metallurgy and chemical treatment applied

Full Power & Steam Monitoring Product Range
AMI Powercon S (specific conductivity)
AMI Powercon A (acid conductivity)
AMI CACE (resin-free, specific and acid)
AMI Deltacon Power (conventional specific and acid)
Get in Contact
Would you like more information on Swan water steam monitoring equipment or do you need support of our water steam monitoring experts? Just leave us a message below.